Post pendamic effect or Covid effects on Mobile App / Web development Industry in 2021

Pandemics are catastrophic, but when we come to our world of "Information and Technology" there are sectors which had an added advantage and for some sectors it is a mishap. While talking about Mob/Web development off course the usage in many sectors have amplified. Let’s see where all it had a tremendous profit ability.
1. People are doing work from home and due to lock down no one is moving out hence our grocery vegetable etc. demands are never ending and so the online stores are providing them at your door steps thus increasing the sales of such stores.
2. Most of the transaction are done through online payment system Credit card or Net banking or UPI payment so usage of banking apps increase.
3. When we talk about shopping for clothes and our daily needs etc. Many e commerce platform too have gained.
4. OTT platform and the web series, movies have gained much popularity and audience, as most of the people are at home no, theatre but they can access here a full movie or series.
5. Medicine, Hospital, Pharma Companies ambulance booking this sector have trained much uprise though it’s not good to see such things but people have started using this for immediate requirement of medicines and required medical apparatus.
Now the industry or the sector which actually difference are:
1. Travel and Tourism
2. No hotel booking for now.
3. Marriage halls, catering.
4. Restaurants.
5. No movie ticket booking.
6. Flight, Bus, Cab and train booking.
So covid19 effected some sectors with more demand and supply and some business just slow down. Also there is a saying "A penny saved is a penny earned" we should save now to spend for future.
Though the pandemic has accelerated the outreach of several e-commerce apps and websites but unarguably the world has paid a heavy price.